Friday, March 8, 2013

All moved in and ready to go!

So my husband and I finally moved into our new house! We’re still trying to put things in the right place so I hope to have some pictures and projects for you all soon, but in the mean time I’ve thought of a few quick ideas for organization using items you already have in the house! I’ll share the first one with you now.

This one is for my necklaces. I’ve been looking for a necklace tree to hang my necklaces and keep them from getting tied up in knots. While I’ve seen a few similar to the one available at  I can’t bring myself to spend $20 on one.
(Photo Credit: Bed Bath and Beyond)

I’m sure there are some out there that are cheaper, but this one is free! Until I can convince myself to buy a necklace tree I’ve come up with an alternative: thumb tacks. Yup, thumb tacks.
(Photo credit: All Things Astrid)
 I already had them in the house and if you don’t have them you can get them for a few dollars. I put them on my closet well and alternated the heights to add some interest and this is what I ended up with:
(Photo credit: All Things Astrid)

To add a little more interest you can even put a picture frame around them.


Friday, February 15, 2013

All Things Astrid, Volume 1

Welcome to All Things Astrid (finally this name pays off)! It’s my new blog dedicated to documenting my hobbies, new and old. I’ve never blogged before and I don’t consider myself a writer, but as an effort to step out of my comfort zone and learn new things I figured I should document these moments that way I learn two new things at the same time (my projects + blogging)!

A little bit about me…

·         I come from a large Guyanese family.

·         I was born in Massachusetts (first generation) yet I have a Caribbean accent. People always ask me where I’m from and they look puzzle when I say I’m from Massachusetts. I get a little kick out of that.

·         I’m married with a dog. We’re DINKs (Double Income, No Kids).

·         I work from home, and I really do work contrary to popular beliefs.

·         I like learning random bits of information.  Did you know that dolphins are the only animals that kill for reasons other than food?

·         I like listing things out in bullet format to keep me organized.


What I think I’ll blog about…

DIY Projects

My husband and I just bought a house. While it’s been well maintained it could use some updating so I plan to share my experiences doing some DIY projects around the house. Kitchen and Bathroom upgrades are the big hitters, but we’ll start with smaller jobs for now like painting and switching out light fixtures.


I have a DSLR camera that I rarely use because of pure laziness. That stops here. I prefer to take landscape photos but I don’t have a wide enough lens and that can be frustrating.  My lenses are designed more for portraits. I will do better this year, starting with my trip to Bahamas next month.

Interior Design

I could live on HGTV, but watching HGTV does not an interior designer make (that’s how Yoda would say it right?). I actually want people to come to my house and think design was put into the process. I hope to accomplish this by reading online and I’m looking into some noncredit classes at a local college.

Well that’s it for now. I hope I’m not being overzealous. Wish me luck!